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Heavenly messengers not only play an important role for us humans in the major religions. They also occupy a prominent position in the esoteric area. And rightly so. They are wonderful personal companions to whom we can turn in times of need. They are there for us, listen to us and are with us. How do we know? Because we feel it!

There is the possibility of distinguishing reality from a dream: the unquestionable feeling and the deep, unfathomable knowledge about which state is the real and which is not. It is the same with the guardian angels that you will find in our range. They just feel and know that they are right. Our energized jewelry angels are charged with positive energy. If you look at them or hold them in your hands, you can feel that they emanate a warmth and friendliness. One of them will be your personal companion if that is what you want.

examples of the new companions

Angel with sparkling SWAROVSKI elements – goldsmithing at its best

The gold and silver pieces of jewelry are designed with Swarovski crystal glass. The Swarovski elements make them appear colorful and at the same time crystal clear. Swarovski crystals are the central elements of our angels. Either it’s the heads that sparkle and shine. Or it is the little bodies of the angels that shine and shine. In our online shop you will find all variants of guardian angel pendants. You can also opt for one of our beautiful pendants, almost entirely made of Swarovski elements.

If you think of your protective angel as an abstract being of light, you will probably opt for one of our more stylized pendants. Perhaps you see your personal protection angel more humanly. We also have a large selection of little angels with wings and heads for this beautiful performance. Every wish is catered for. Take a look around and discover your favorite piece of jewelry. They are all lovingly and finely handcrafted in our workshop. Our goldsmith is located in Dreieich, near Frankfurt am Main. If you would like to get to know us and our work personally, you are welcome to visit us in our shop.

Maybe you are looking for a present for a loved one? Even then, you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for. The angels leave no one indifferent. They are an expression of warmth that you can easily pass on. Our energized pieces of jewelry unfold their positive vibrations where they are needed. In this day and age, there cannot be enough additional positive energy. We humans long for a little more serenity and satisfaction, whether at home, at school, in the nursing home or at work. Everywhere there is a need for more balance and inner certainty. Give away confidence. Our guardian angel pendants are the perfect peacemakers.

Heavenly messengers of the universe

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Our wonderful peacemakers – to collect and give away

The beautiful and fascinating thing about our jewelry angels with Swarovski crystals is their radiant purity. The crystals refract the light into a phenomenal sparkle. The angels appear light and light. The guardian angel pendants are either colored or crystal clear. In their unique radiance, however, they are all equally intense and impressive. There is nothing wrong with creating a small collection of our Guardian Angels. Our range is large and you might even need a certain color. Then it is nice when you have a small selection of angel pendants.

Our little guardian angels in Swarovski style are the perfect gift for the birth or christening of your grandchild or the baby of your best friends. Is there anything more calming than having a good spirit around you? Is there a better thought than giving love, security and solidarity in the form of one of our little peacemakers? Our guardian angel pendants stand for all these immaterial values, which you can easily express with the little angels without words. The happy parents will appreciate your gift.

Take a look around our angel universe. In our online shop you are guaranteed to find the right angel to give away. But not only children love these sparkling heavenly messengers. They look beautiful as a pendant on a filigree necklace. Big or small, everyone will be happy about such a magical gift. Our angels are an expression of your belief in the power of divine power. These little heavenly messengers have the divine mission to protect those who believe in them. You don’t have to be a believer in a religious sense to do this. You just have to go inside and feel what is moving within you when you are wearing one of our energized angels.

Some angels are only human

Until recently, everyone was talking about them. The news was full of reports from angels in white coats. We’re talking about the nurses and nurses, the doctors and rescue workers who still give their best every day. These people could easily despair in the fight against Covid 19. They are real heroes. We need them and are grateful when they help us and we are in good hands with them. Often their work is taken for granted. But it is not. Nothing can be taken for granted. They deserve recognition and thanks for everything that others do for us. The others? These can also be our closest and dearest people.

Our loved ones in particular sometimes need a motivating thank you. And what could be nicer than a piece of jewelry made of gold or silver? If this jewelry is also one of our brightly colored, shining Guardian Angels, then you are saying more than just thank you. With the little guardian angels you give something back to your loved ones. They are energetically charged pieces of jewelry that give their positive and supportive power to those who need them. They accompany those who are lonely and sad. They motivate those who are discouraged and fearful. They calm those who are insecure and restless. They consolidate those who are stumbling through this corona crisis, dissolved and controlled by others.

Our guardian angel pendants are sources of strength and impulses

A wonderful way to express our gratitude is with a small gift in the form of our guardian angel chains. They are lovingly unique items made in fine goldsmith work. You are charged with positive and life-affirming energy by means of special procedures. Our angels release this energy at the moment when they have reached the recipient and are perceived by them. They were made with careful care. Every single angel pendant is a goldsmith’s art and a source of inspiration in one. The energy sealed in it vibrates and pulsates. As soon as the angels have reached their people, they begin to work.

Their effectiveness unfolds in a pulsating manner. Energy impulses emanate from our guardian angels, which act on the body’s own energy system when they are carried and vibrate it at angelic frequency. Little by little, our guardian angel pendants harmonize the emotional state of the recipient. In these troubled and uncertain times, these calming and peaceful impulses are a great gift.

jewelry, swarovski, angels, Jewelry angel Swarovski, Engel Erzengel mit Swarovski® Elementen
Jewelry can always be something special

Closer to the universe – with our guardian angels with Swarovski crystals

Wonderful Swarovski pendants are waiting for you. You will find the most beautiful jewelry in our range. Swarovski elements raise our jewelry angels to higher realms, because they are light and clear. Whoever holds them in their hands cannot escape them. The crystal clear Swarovski crystals let our jewelry angels shine from the inside out. When the sunlight breaks in them, they sparkle. Moonlight makes them glitter.

Our little companions will bring you closer to the universe if you let yourself into it. Feel the helping and healing power that emanates from them. Swarovski Guardian Angels as chain pendants are pieces of jewelry that attract attention. They are eye-catchers that you can wear on many occasions. A gold necklace with one of our golden guardian angels as a pendant can also be wonderfully combined with other chains. When layering with several necklaces of different lengths, a Swarovski angel also becomes a real eye-catcher in fashion.

You know what’s in the little guardian angels. Her beauty is something that everyone else immediately catches the eye. So if you want to give a loved one one of our jewelry angels, then you definitely can’t go wrong. You give away positive energy and show your loved ones that you are important to them. But you are also giving away a unique piece of jewelry. Each of our Swarovski Guardian Angels is lovingly designed with crystal glass that has been specially selected for them. The highest goldsmith’s art is just good enough to express the essence and the mode of action of these incomparable heavenly messengers.

Our angels are heavenly personal protectors

A positive and helpful energy emanates from our Guardian Angels. For us, the angel pendants are much more than just jewelry. A power slumbers in them that wants to develop. It is energetically sealed only when it is needed. For those who carry one of our angels with them and believe in the divine mission of a Guardian Angel. For those who recognize the heavenly messengers in guardian angels, which are sent by God and the universe to stand by us humans. The power of the little guardian spirits unfolds for them. Only those who are open can feel and sense. Whoever closes the door and does not let anything get in, cannot perceive the subtle impulses that the universe sends out. It draws attention to itself, divides and harmonizes.

Our angels symbolize the heavenly personal protectors who stand by us from birth. You are sent by God. They are human beings with us, but only a few notice them. That is why we have decided to help to feel our protectors and to be able to feel. It is easier when they become visible and tangible through our heavenly beautiful angels.

We all know from our own experience how much easier it is to believe in something that you can see and possibly even touch. This is completely normal and no cause for concern. We just have to open ourselves to our intuition again. We need to listen to our hearts more again. Because heavenly things take place in the heart, less in the head or in the stomach.

With the help of our little angels, we can make this project easier. The angels can be looked at and touched. They not only establish a connection to the person from whom they were given, but also to their own inner being. Our angels can trigger strong emotions because they can open closed inner areas. At the same time, however, they help calm these emotions and settle into a positive frequency. It won’t take long for the good effects to take hold.

Guardian angels and guardian spirits – woven in the sky, connected to the earth – wonderful chains and pendants

When we talk about guardian angels in our angelic universe, we mean beings of light, guardian spirits, heavenly messengers, messengers of God, personal protectors, peacemakers, friends, helpers, companions, listeners, motivators, impulses and sources of power. They are all of that and much more. They are woven into the sky and connected to the earth. They are what you want them to be and what you need because you lack them. You work by engaging with them. It is then that they will begin to assist you.

When we speak of the Guardian Angels as interwoven in the sky and connected to the earth, we mean their presence with simultaneous connection with the divine sphere. Through them we are also connected to the universe. Our total earthiness is called into question. We must choose whether to open to heavenly influence and accept the help that is offered.

jewelry, swarovski, angels, Jewelry angel Swarovski, Engel Erzengel mit Swarovski® Elementen
Angel with Swarovski crystals

Our Swarovski Guardian Angels are pieces of jewelry that do you good, here are the most beautiful pendants

Angelic patience is something that is not given to everyone. Are you one of those people who are a little impatient now and then with yourself or your loved ones? With a little more patience, some arguments can be avoided. But that is easier said than done. It takes time to be patient. Without time, patience is difficult to implement. Unfortunately, we live in a time when everything has to happen quickly and, ideally, at the same time. Lack of time is a sign of our times. Anything that helps create a little more time is good for you. Our wonderful Swarovski Guardian Angels can do that. It’s in their nature. They have to be looked at and felt. Both take some time. Whoever takes it has already won.

Swarovski angels are not just eye-catchers for outsiders. Everyone who holds one of them in their hands has to look at it. Their sparkle, the intensity of their crystal clear colors and the lightness that emanates from them leave no one indifferent. They are real eye-catchers and they unfold their energetic power exactly at the moment of looking at them. That can be clearly and convincingly proven. Because the people to whom a Guardian Angel does not want to go will not deal with him. And the people who think they don’t need an angel will not bother with him either.

Our Swarovski Guardian Angels are good for you. They create time on every occasion where they are the center of attention. This enables a moment of calm and mindfulness. In such a moment, the viewer is in the here and now. That alone is one of the outstanding properties of our jewelry angels.

Angels from the angel universe – available in the online shop anytime and anywhere – special chains

You will find heavenly beautiful jewelry in our range. Take a look around our angel universe. You can order your personal companion online from us. You can let every single angel work on you in peace and quiet. When you’ve come across your favorite angel, you will know. Perhaps you are looking for something to hold on to for yourself. But maybe you want to please one of your loved ones. Then you will also know which trailer l is the right one. Because they touch and touch something in us. See for yourself.

We are there for you online anytime, anywhere. You can contact us if you have any questions about our angels. But maybe you also have questions about our goldsmith’s work. We will of course be happy to answer these questions too. Contact us! Or maybe you would like to get to know us personally. Our workshop is located in Dreieich near Frankfurt am Main. Our designs and especially our wonderful Swarovski Guardian Angels are known far beyond the Rhine-Main area. With us you will find the trailer that you like.